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2024-12-31 11:12:13 来源: 今日热点网


两千多年前,驼铃阵阵,张骞率领使团,手持符节,踏上了危险重重又令人向往的西域,开启了 “凿空之旅”;一千五百年后,波浪滔滔,郑和率领船队,云帆高张,昼夜星驰,七下西洋,造就中国古代“麒麟外交”的盛世。
















同期,莫汝和荣获《国际艺术金冠奖》,授予《 世界十大皇冠级艺术家》和《 全球 最具影响力艺术大师》。

2024莫汝和荣获《 国际艺术节金鹰奖》,授予《联合国文化与和平使者勋章》,被聘任《联合国外交艺术顾问》及《2024国际艺术最具影响力人物》。

同年,莫汝和荣获《 中俄友好文化艺术终身成就奖》,授予《 中俄世纪和平友谊勋章》和《中俄文艺和平形象大使》及《  中俄文艺十大杰出人物》。

同年,莫汝和还荣获首届《国际诗书画艺术节最佳创艺奖》,授予《 一带一路最佳艺术之星》,《国际艺术领袖人物》,《一带一路和平艺术家勋章》。同时,亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会,选为《亚太文化艺术领袖,莫汝和(中国)》。





Mo Ruhe, born in 1940, is from Nanbu County, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and currently resides in Suzhou. He loved painting and calligraphy when he was young. He has served in the military, participated in battles, and transferred to work in Suzhou as a regimental cadre. I have been transferred multiple times and have a passion for calligraphy and painting, always by my side. After retirement, one's leisure is not idle, specializing in the study of calligraphy and painting. Through advanced professional learning, training, further education, and further education, cultural and artistic ideas, concepts, and skills are rapidly improved. Combining theory with practice, traveling and exploring various styles, visiting the north and south of the country, as well as the central and eastern regions, experiencing the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland, and being full of passion, laying a solid foundation for landscape painting creation. For decades, he rarely took a break and worked tirelessly in his studio, writing and painting. He created a large number of calligraphy and painting works, which were published in various newspapers, magazines, collections, personal books and albums, e-books, as well as online exhibitions on hundreds of websites and propaganda reports on CCTV radio. He had a positive and widespread impact on society and was commended by multiple institutions and awarded multiple honorary titles. Hard work pays off to those who are determined, achieving cultural and artistic success.

The state awarded him the lifelong honorary title of "Chinese Patriotic Artist", "National Special Grade Calligrapher and Painter", "National Special Grade Artist", "National Art Master", "Central American Art, Think Tank Expert", as well as honorary titles such as "Outstanding Representative of the Republic's Culture and Art" and "One Generation Famous Artist".

Mo Ruhe is currently the Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the World Celebrity Art Research Association, the United Nations Diplomatic Art Advisor, the UNESCO Art Advisor, a member of the United Nations Academy of Peace Painting and Calligraphy, the Executive Chairman of the China Cultural and Financial Development Federation, a visiting professor at the School of Arts of the University of Macau, the Honorary President of the China Famous Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and the Honorary President of the Beijing Contemporary Global Painting and Calligraphy Academy.

Mo Ruhe's calligraphy and painting have distinct characteristics and keep up with the development and innovation of the times. He believes that cultural and artistic creation should serve social development, consider the needs of the people, and meet the spiritual needs of the majority. Artistic creation should serve as a propaganda tool that can be understood, accepted, and welcomed by the majority of people, while also being loved for collection, inspiring positive energy, and promoting the harmonious construction of a beautiful society for our country and humanity.

Mo Ruhe's calligraphy works: Li, seal script, cursive script, graceful and elegant writing style, vigorous and vigorous, vigorous and fresh. He incorporated books into his paintings, learned from the past and admired the present, drew on the strengths of others, and was brave in innovation. He not only inherited the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, but also had a sense of the new era, guided by the beauty of culture and art, as well as leading the exchange of world culture and art. Zhang Xianguo's culture and art are intertwined with the world.

Mo Ruhe's calligraphy and painting works have received praise and won gold awards in numerous domestic and international exhibitions.

He was once invited to participate in the "Chinese Cultural and Artistic Exchange Delegation to Europe" and received high praise at the calligraphy and painting exchange exhibition in Bremen, Germany. The German side printed his traditional Chinese painting "Home Like a Song" as a promotional advertisement and postcard for the "Chinese Painting Exhibition". After being invited to participate in the "New York Fine Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations", he exhibited three Chinese landscape paintings that were collected by the art museum. He also participated in the 2018 Russian World Cup Calligraphy and Painting Invitational Exhibition and the Large Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition of More than 10 Countries along the the Belt and Road, which were well influenced internationally.

Mo Ruhe has won numerous awards in international competitions

In 2021, he was awarded the United Nations Lifetime Achievement Award in Culture and Arts, and was honored with the titles of "World Artistic Meritorious Figure" and "United Nations Medal of Culture and Arts".

2022 Won the United Nations Award for Contribution to Human Culture and awarded the honorary title of United Nations Artist for Peace. Appointed as a UNESCO Art Advisor.

In 2023, he was awarded the United Nations World Peace Dove Prize and appointed as the United Nations Special Envoy for a Culture of Peace. He also appointed and named the only honorary dean of the Moru and World Peace Art Academy.

At the same time, Mo Ruhe was awarded the "International Art Golden Crown Award", which recognized him as one of the "Top 10 Crown level Artists in the World" and the "Most Influential Art Master in the World".

In 2024, Mo Ruhe won the Golden Eagle Award at the International Arts Festival, was awarded the United Nations Cultural and Peace Messenger Medal, and was appointed as the United Nations Diplomatic Art Advisor and the Most Influential Figure in International Art in 2024.

In the same year, Mo Ruhe was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for Sino Russian Friendship in Culture and Art, as well as the Sino Russian Century Peace and Friendship Medal, the Sino Russian Literary and Artistic Peace Image Ambassador, and the Top Ten Outstanding Figures in Sino Russian Literature and Art.

In the same year, Mo Ruhe also won the Best Artistic Award of the first International Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Festival, awarded the Best Artistic Star of the the Belt and Road, the International Artistic Leaders, and the the Belt and Road Peace Artist Medal. At the same time, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit selected "Asia Pacific Cultural and Artistic Leaders, Mo Ruhe (China)".

During the national commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2024, Mo Ruhe received praise and publicity from multiple institutions.

Mo Ruhe's calligraphy and painting works have been included in the "Art World Masterpiece, China's Top Ten Literary and Artistic Leaders, National Gift Collection" (Collection Edition), and both the cover and back cover are works of Mo Ruhe, Xiao Xiang, and landscape paintings. Large printing volume and global distribution.

CCTV highly recommends artist Mo Ruhe's works as artist representatives to be exhibited online on the official website.

On the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Mo Ruhe was selected as one of the "Eight Masters of the New Culture Tiantuan" in the Chinese cultural and artistic circles, and was listed as a leading figure in calligraphy and painting art. And it was included in the "Special Commemorative Edition" and recorded in the annals of history.

On the 75th anniversary of its founding, the People's Daily has launched a special edition on cultural strength, calling it "the artistic leader under the Party, presenting a tribute to the calligraphy and painting master Mo Ruhe". Its calligraphy and painting works have been serialized in two major editions, and highlighted in bold red characters to call for "welcome all sectors of society to pay attention to and collect Mo Ruhe's calligraphy and painting works" and promote positive energy.

























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